Well, I finished my first in-the-round project. Following
this nifty pattern, which was simple but clever. The only mod I made was to do a 4x4 ribbing at the bottom instead of a 2x2. It's hard to see because of the series of 9 knits to 1 purl worked over 81 stitches. I think I'll be making more of these, because I've had two more requests for hats and this one is simple yet stylish (It's difficult

to see the spiral pattern because the yarn is dark, but take my word for it, it's cool). One thing I've decided is that I need some new circulars before I start a new one though. Working with this 85% wool, 15% silk yarn they definitely didn't allow it to 'glide' smoothly. The hardest part for me was when it got to the double pointed needles at the end, there gets to be very little working space to maneuver in. I'm sure that I'll improve with practice though. It fits the hub's head nicely, and even stretches to fit mine. I haven't blocked it because I'm not exactly sure how, but I'll look into that.
It's a good thing that I finished this last night, because today my dear Hula decided that she thought knitting was fun and wanted to try to. Unfortunately, the lack of thumbs meant that instead of knitting we got this:

Yeah. Nice. It extended onto the bed, but the bed wasn't made so I didn't take a picture of that. This is the SECOND time that Hula has gone after that yarn. She's obsessed. She's jealous. She just cant' get enough. After giving her a firm talking to, she wouldn't come into the bedroom. I think she was rightfully ashamed, don't you? Well I've learned my lesson, no leaving yarn (or projects!) where Hula can reach while I'm gone. Otherwise we end up with a big fat knotted mess.
In other news, Belle got chased away by a mean neighbor cat this weekend and hasn't come home, so keep my sweet girl in your kitty thoughts and prayers.

My little Belle when she was a tiny baby.
That is such a sweet hat! I wish I had one of those custom knitted for winter!! Still a few piles of months till then.